
航天液体动力全国重点实验室, 陕西 西安 710100

液体火箭发动机; 金属密封; 重复使用; 压缩回弹性能

Numerical analysis on reusable performance of metallic U-E rings
JIANG Wei, LI Chen, HUO Shihui, YANG Quanjie, ZHOU Xiaoyu

National Key Laboratory of Aerospace Liquid Propulsion, Xi'an 710100, China

liquid rocket engine; metallic seal; reusability; compression springback property

DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-9374.2024.01.010


The metallic seal structure of liquid rocket engine works in the harsh thermo-mechanical coupling environment, and the cyclic stress-strain behavior and ratcheting accumulation effect will significantly affect the rebound ability and fatigue life of the U-E rings. Based on the unified viscoplastic theory, the cyclic mechanical behavior of the sealing ring was numerical studied. The combined strain hardening model was used to describe the cyclic mechanical behaviors of the seal. The total contact force and damage evolution process of the seal during the 8 using cycles were analyzed. The results show that after the secondary seal was subjected to cyclic thermo-mechanical load, significant ratcheting strain was superimposed. The residual plastic strain and cumulative plastic strain are much higher than that of the main seal, which leads to its rebound ability decay faster than that of the main seal and its fatigue life is shorter than that of the main seal. In addition, the increased medium pressure and insufficient preload will lead to the accelerated accumulation of plastic strain, which will affect the cyclic compression rebound performance and fatigue life of the seal ring.