
西安航天动力研究所,陕西 西安 710100

诱导轮; 液氧空化; 数值仿真; 空化模型; 热效应

Numerical simulation on LOX cavitating flow characteristics of inducer
XIANG Le, LI Chunle, XU Kaifu, ZHANG Kai

Xi'an Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Xi'an 710100, China

inducer; LOX cavitation; numerical simulation; cavitation model; thermal effect

DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-9374.2024.03.002


Inducer is key component which determinates the anti-cavitation ability of a turbopump. In order to clarify the LOX cavitation flow characteristic inside the inducer, a novel numerical simulation for cryogenic cavitation method has been built based on the correction of energy equation source term, and the relationship between physical properties and temperature variation is coupled. The numerical method has been verified by the classical cryogenic cavitation and the inducer cavitation experimental data. Then, a simulation analysis of cavitation flow inside a three-bladed inducer are conducted, and it is found that: there is strong energy exchange between cavities and the surrounding liquid during the cryogenic cavitation, but only part of the heat released by the cavitation collapse can be transferred to the surrounding liquid. By adjusting the heat release ratio of heat by cavitation collapse in the source term of energy equation, the prediction precision of temperature field near the cavity rear can be improved by 0.5%. Compared with isothermal calculation results, the LOX cavitation area and vapor volume fraction decrease remarkably when the thermal effect is considered, thus the blocking effect to the blade channels decreases either, and the inducer head breakdown is delayed effectively. The simulation study of the LOX cavitation flow at different temperature shows that the higher the liquid oxygen temperature, the smaller the cavitation range, and the larger the temperature drop in the cavitation region, the more significant the improvement of cavitation performance for the induced wheel.