
西安航天动力研究所 航天液体动力全国重点实验室,陕西 西安 710100

离心喷嘴; 长旋流腔; 注气雾化; 破碎模式; 气液两相建压; 雾化粒径

Experiment of gas injection atomization characteristics of long swirl cavity open-end centrifugal nozzle
PENG Leqin, WU Huibo, XU Tiangang, YANG Anlong, YANG Bao'e

National Key Laboratory of Aerospace Liquid Propulsion,Xi'an Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Xi'an 710100, China

centrifugal nozzle; long swirl cavity; gas injection atomization; breakage morphology; gas-liquid two-phase pressure building; atomization particle size

DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-9374.2024.03.004


以水和煤油模拟液作为液体工质,氮气和氦气作为注入气体,采用可视化试验技术和激光多普勒测速仪试验研究了不同气体流量作用下的长旋流腔敞口型离心喷嘴的雾化特性,包括喷注液膜破碎形态、气液两相混合建压与雾化粒径。研究结果表明:随着气液质量流量比升高,破碎模式逐步由轮缘型破碎、多孔型破碎过渡到爆裂型破碎。雾化过程中在喷嘴出口处伴随间歇性的中心气流冲击,冲击长度随气体流量升高而增大,但冲击频率随气体流量呈非线性变化,在气体流量较高或较低时的冲击频率反而升高。注气显著提高了喷注压降和雾化均匀性,相同气体流量的条件下,氦气相较于氮气具有更快的建压速度和更高的建压值,但氦气作用下的两相混合建压时混合室内的压力波动更为剧烈; 氦气吹除的雾化粒径普遍小于氮气,但过高的氦气注气流量易引起气流冲击,引起冲击间隔时间内的雾化分布不均。
Using water and kerosene as working fluids and nitrogen and helium as injection gases, the atomization characteristics of the long swirl cavity open-end centrifugal nozzle were experimentally studied under different gas flow rates. The study included analyzing the breakage morphology of the injection liquid film, the pressure of gas-liquid two-phase mixing, and the atomization particle size. The results show that as the gas-liquid mass flow ratio increases, the breakage mode gradually shifts from flange-type breakage and porous-type breakage to burst-type breakage. Additionally, the impact length of central airflow increases, while the impact frequency of airflow does not follow a linear pattern with the change in gas-liquid mass flow ratio. When the gas flow ratio is high or low, the frequency of airflow impact increases. Compared with nitrogen gas, helium gas has a faster pressure-building speed and higher pressure-building value. However, the pressure fluctuation in the mixing chamber is more violent during the pressure building process for the cases of helium gas. The particle size of the cases using helium gas are generally smaller than that of nitrogen gas with the same gas pressure. However, when the flow rate of helium gas is too high, it can cause airflow impact, leading to uneven distribution of atomized particle sizes.