
西安航天动力试验技术研究所,陕西 西安 710100

液体动力; 试验体系; 数字化技术; 数字孪生

Development and prospect of digital transformation technology for liquid-propellant engine test
HAN Ming,LI Dahai

Xi'an Aerospace Propulsion Test Technology Institute, Xi'an 710100,China

liquid-propellant engine; test system; digital technology; digital twin

DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-9374.2024.06.002


The digital transformation of liquid-propellant engine test is an important part of building digital development of liquid propulsion, and the research and application of such technology are urgent issues at this stage. The current development status and trends of digital transformation in aerospace test technology at home and abroad were analyzed. Based on the characteristics of test business and the progress of key technologies, the goal, routes and subsequent development priorities for the digital transformation of liquid-propellant engine test were proposed, and the overall framework of the digital testing system was outlined. The digital transformation was carried out as a pilot project for the delivery test of liquid oxygen and kerosene engines, providing a technological development direction for accelerating the digital transformation of liquid propulsion test.