
北京航天动力研究所,北京 100076

机械密封; 端面比压; 自动配气; 试验装置; 数字化测试

Digital test technology of end face special pressure for mechanical seal
WANG Hongfu,DONG Lishuang,LIU Xin,WANG Chenguang,TU Ting

Beijing Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Beijing 100076, China

mechanical seal; end face special pressure; automatic gas distribution; test equipment; digital test

DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-9374.2024.06.009


机械密封作为液体火箭发动机涡轮泵中密封的关重件产品,其端面比压的大小影响密封性能。提出了一套机械密封端面比压数字化测试系统,该系统基于IEEE802.15.4的产品数字化测量技术可实现测量数据传输,设计的试验装置可平衡介质的作用力并保证机械密封的高垂直度。基于PID控制的自动配气技术可提供高精度、程序化的介质,采用O型圈+自动压紧的技术可实现静环组件快速固定。利用电机、滚珠丝杠、光栅尺的自动调节压缩量技术可高精度调节静环组件的压缩量,基于LabVIEW的测控系统对试验的参数进行测量并协同控制各子系统。对测试系统的关重要技术及结构进行可行性分析及仿真验证,并通过实验验证:自动压紧的密封性能良好; 自动配气精度由±0.05 MPa提高到±0.02 MPa; 压缩量精度由±0.02 mm提高到±0.005 mm; 单件产品单压缩量端面比压测试时间由15 min减少到5 min。
Mechanical seal is a key part of the liquid rocket engine, and the end face special pressure affects the sealing performance. A set of digital test system of end face special pressure for mechanical seal is introduced. The digital measurement technology for products based on IEEE802.15.4 can achieves measurement transmission. The design of test device balances the medium pressure and ensures the high verticality of the mechanical seal. Automatic gas distribution technology provides high precision and sequencing media based on PID control. The coupled O-ring and automatic pressing technology can fix the stationary ring quickly. The automatic compression technology with electric motor, ball screw and grating ruler is able to adjust various compression of stationary ring. The measurement and control system can measure various parameters and coordinated control all systems based on LabVIEW. The feasibility of the key technologies is analyzed and the important structure is simulated. The experimental results show that the sealing performance by the automatic pressing technology is good, the media precision by automatic gas distribution technology is improved from ±0.05 MPa to ±0.02 MPa, the compression precision of stationary ring is increased from ±0.02 mm to ±0.005 mm, and the test time for a single product of a specific compression is reduced from 15 min to 5 min.