
(西安航天动力研究所,陕西 西安 710100)

液体火箭发动机; 三维模型; 质量检查

Research and practice of quality inspection system for three-dimensional model
CHEN Yanlin,LIN Yuan,DENG Bowen

(Xi'an Aerospace Propulsion Institute,Xi'an 710100,China)

liquid rocket engine; three-dimensional model; quality inspection



With the application of MBD technology,the three-dimensional model becomes the only source of product information expression,the only carrier for designing and manufacturing information transmission and the only basis for production and manufacturing,and its quality is increasingly important. According to the engine design,technology,manufacturing specifications and the standards of CAD / CAM data quality inspection,the quality inspection system of 3D model are studied and developed in this paper to solve the problem existing in manual quality inspection of the 3D model. It was used in the process of developing the liquid propellant rocket engine. The efficient and rapid quality inspection of the three-dimensional model was achieved to reduce the repeated design caused by the quality problem of three-dimensional model,which has promoted the quality improvement of three-dimensional model of the model to ensure that the three-dimensional model meets the requirements of follow-up intelligent manufacturing and shorten the development cycle of the products.